Adiwarna Mika's acrylic green color is the color between blue and yellow in the spectrum; green color like grass or emerald.
Adiwarna Mika's acrylic green color is also the calmest and most relaxing color for human eyes to see.
Green can help improve vision, stability and endurance.
Green needs more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye and is the dominant color in nature.
Adiwarna Mika's acrylic green color is a natural choice in interior design as an ideal background or background because we as humans are accustomed to seeing it everywhere.
Jaya Mika is an Indonesian acrylic distributor of the Adiwarna brand Mika & a distributor of the best quality ACP brand Aluontop at low prices and sells other products for various industrial needs. The superiority of Jaya Mika is the selling price of acrylic & ACP which is cheap (competitive) with the best quality, complete products & colors and a large and experienced distribution network.
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